Nazareth University joins statewide Access to Health Day to promote direct access to physical therapy
Rochester, NY (10/21/2024) — Nazareth University physical therapy students are offering free health assessments as part of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) New York's statewide Access to Health Day. Nazareth University is a part of the event for the second year in a row. The goal of the Saturday, Oct. 26, event is to educate New Yorkers about the benefits of direct access to physical therapy and how simple it is to seek treatment without needing a referral from their primary care doctor.
Nazareth's Physical Therapy clinic will provide the free health assessments along with valuable information on how physical therapy can enhance health, improve movement, manage chronic conditions, and reduce the need for surgery and prescription medications.
Nazareth's PT students, working alongside licensed physical therapists, will be available to answer questions, conduct assessments, and demonstrate how physical therapy can play a critical role in maintaining and improving overall health.
WHEN: Saturday, Oct. 26
WHERE: Nazareth University's York Wellness and Rehabilitation Institute Physical Therapy clinic
TIME: 10 a.m.-noon
MEDIA: Park in G lot behind the York WRI building (see attached map)
**You can get video/photo of the clinic and an interview with a Nazareth PT student or professor about the importance of being able to get direct access to physical therapy.**
ON SITE CONTACT: Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy Renee Hetzler | cell 585-880-7197