Matthew Allen
  • Musical Theater
  • West Winfield, NY

Matthew Allen of West Winfield is in the cast/crew/orchestra of Nazareth College Theatre and Dance Department's THE SECRET GARDEN, April 10-19

2015 Apr 17

The Nazareth College Theatre and Dance Department and Theatre League are pleased to present The Secret Garden, the fourth and final show in the department's 2014-2015 production season. The show will run April 10, 11, 17, and 18 at 8 p.m.; and April 12 and 19 at 2 p.m., in the Callahan Theater at Nazareth College Arts Center.

The cast, crew, and orchestra for The Secret Garden consist of Nazareth College students, including Matthew Allen of West Winfield.

Pulitzer winner Marsha Norman was the Tony Award-winning librettist and the lyricist for this adaptation of the Frances Hodgson Burnett novel. With music by Lucy Simon, the original production of The Secret Garden is perhaps most well known for the performance of then 11-year-old Daisy Eagan as central character Mary Lennox. Eagan became the youngest female to win a Tony Award for her performance.

The Secret Garden is set in the early 20th century. Mary, a young girl, is orphaned at age 11 by a cholera outbreak. She is relocated to England where she resides with relatives she has never met, and dives into caring for a neglected garden, where she finds herself and becomes a young woman.

Featuring such songs as "How Could I Ever Know" and "There's a Girl," The Secret Garden is a haunting and poignant piece that can be enjoyed by the whole family.

The cast of The Secret Garden consists of Nazareth College students (with the exception of Colin, who is played by a local child): Matt Allen (Dr. Craven), Amanda Blake (Martha), Joseph Cantatore (Fakir), John Connors (Ben), Tess DeFlyer (Claire), Alden Duserick (Colin), Joshua Feldman (Albert), Erin Griffin (Mrs. Shelly), Michaela Groth (Ayah), Seth Hatch (Dickon), Shane Heidecker (Archibald), Hannah Karpenko (Lily), Adam Marino (Shaw), Bella McGrath (Mrs. Medlock), Emily Mullin (Mrs. Winthrop/Alice), Christopher Peterkin (Shelly), Kit Prelewitz (Rose), Grant Richards (Wright), Michael Shuetz (Holmes), and Katie Sweeney (Mary).

The student crew is Allie Tabor (stage manager), Rachel Vicacaro (props master), Katlyn Feder and Meghan Palmer (assistant stage managers), and Meghan Palmer (dance captain).

Nazareth College Department of Music students and alumni are also among the production's pit orchestra: alum Anthony Bisbano (keyboard), alum Ira Fair (percussion), student Jaimi Miller (violin), and graduate student Kaitlin Schneider (flute/piccolo).

Tickets to The Secret Garden are $18-$20. For tickets, call - or visit - the Box Office: 585-389-2170 or order online: