Nazareth College President Beth Paul announces plans to continue a full, in-person experience this fall

Rochester, NY (03/17/2021) — This is a letter from President Beth Paul to Nazareth College students and parents on Tuesday, March 16. She is committed to Nazareth's plan to continue its full, in-person experience this fall. Nazareth has been in-person since Fall 2020 and celebrates the community's commitment to student learning and well-being.


Dear Students and Parents,

Springtime signals renewal and emergence, and this year it is all the more poignant. Last week's warm weather brought an opportunity for our community to gather safely outside. I loved seeing so many of you at our Ready to Fly pop-up event on Wednesday, complete with T-shirts and snow cones. And I'm excited to do more pop-ups as we welcome spring.

The weight of the past year is slowly lifting and I am filled with a sense of hope and optimism. After this year of challenge, the bright spots and opportunities for connection that define our Naz community have become even more meaningful.

One bright spot for our community to celebrate is that Great Value Colleges has named Nazareth among the top 15 colleges in the nation for 2020 crisis response. Our values have stood strong as we kept student learning and well-being at the center of our planning and decisions, while continually prioritizing the advancement of social justice, inclusion, and equity. Thank you for all you have done to help Naz be unstoppable this year!

And so, with our community inspired by our success and momentum, we anticipate a full, in-person fall experience as we see restrictions begin to ease. Here is some of what you can expect:

Naz is Ready to Fly! I am excited to emerge strong with you in 2021-22. Together, let's embrace this time of positive possibility, relish the closeness of our community, and advance the Naz education that fuels your life's work. I feel very proud to serve our vibrant and UNSTOPPABLE learning community as we move ever forward!


Beth Paul, Ph.D.

Nazareth College President